〈〈  RLH Industries, Inc. will be closed on February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day.  〉〉

RLH stocks a variety of pedestals that feature plywood backboards treated with fire retardant paint for easy equipment installation.

RLH welcomes enclosure design opportunities and our design team is eager to take on new challenges.

Semi-Buried Pedestal (Type-02)

Semi-Buried Pedestal (Type-02)

The Type 02, semi-buried pedestal enclosure includes plywood backboard covers with hex head self-locking system with padlock hasp.

Semi-Buried Pedestal (Type-03)

Semi-Buried Pedestal (Type-03)

The Type 03, semi-buried pedestal enclosure includes plywood backboard covers with hex head self-locking system with padlock hasp.


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Semi-Buried Pedestal (Type-07)

Semi-Buried Pedestal (Type-07)

The Type 07, semi-buried pedestal enclosure includes plywood backboard covers with hex head self-locking system with padlock hasp.


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